Tuesday, May 19, 2020

How The Environment Is Focused The First Video Essay

I appreciate how much the environment is emphasized in the first video because it really showcases how the mechanism of natural selection works. It’s not just a spontaneous event in which organisms strive to change their bodies and abilities so that they can live in a certain environment; rather, it is the pressure of a changing environment that forces the hand of evolution to begin via natural selection. That is to say, organisms and new species arise as a result of a change in environment, rather than just because they can. This is illustrated really well in the Pocket Mouse video as it states, â€Å"left alone, the pock mouse don’t show a preference for either the dark lava rock or the light sandy desert†, and that it is because of the pressures put on by their visual-based predators that it is advantageous for the dark mice to live in the dark lava rock, and for the light colored mice to live in the light desert, so it is less likely that they are seen and therefore eaten. This fur color variation wouldn’t have arisen if not for the existence of the environmental pressures—their predators. What was especially interesting to note, was that the equivalent gene for fur color in the mouse, MCR1, has its human equivalent that dictates skin color. Both gene variations serve a protective function, but the mechanism of protection is quite different. For mice, it works as camouflage, but in humans it protects against ultraviolet light. Since mice and humans are bothShow MoreRelatedThe Concept Of Video Games Has Always Been Entitled To1597 Words   |  7 PagesThe concept of video games has always been entitled to be a harmful tool for the younger audience, generally speaking about children. The scenario created doesn’t only affect the players, but also the surroundings due to the consequences, like fighting outside of the home. This happens because of the violent content and also the addiction and that causes in chi ldren. However, not all games are the same. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Time To Kill Essay - 1915 Words

A Review and Commentary On:A Time to Kill By John GrishamA Time to Kill written by John Grisham is a book that presents the high racial tensions in Canton Mississippi in the early 1990’s. The book opens with two young men, James Lewis Willard and Billy Ray Cobb, joy riding in their brand new yellow pick up truck decked out with Confederate flags. They speed though black neighborhoods throwing full beer bottles at people and houses, until they come across ten-year-old Tonya Hailey walking home from the grocery store. The men pull over, trap her, rape her repeatedly, beat her, hang her, throw her off a bridge and leave her for dead. Her siblings find Tonya later that day, barely alive, her father, Carl Lee Hailey., and the black community†¦show more content†¦The Klan continues to threaten Jake with a bomb and burning crosses, Jake’s wife and child have to leave town to avoid danger. Judge Omar Lewis decides to turn down Jake’s request for a change of venu e on the grounds that it would be impossible to find a fair and impartial jury in any county in Mississippi. Jury selection begins with protests to â€Å"Free Carl Lee† and the Klan protesting outside as well, tensions are high and a riot breaks out. A Klan member is set on fire, the black sheriff is beaten, and Jake is stabbed in the leg. The day ends with the inevitable all white jury. The Klan continues to terrorize the city by burning crosses and burning Jake’s house down. The National Guard is brought into town to prevent riots for the remainder of the trial. The DA, Buckley opens the trail by bringing Cobb’s mother to the stand and showing the gun Carl Lee used to the jury. At the end of the first day Buckley calls Depute Dwayne Luny, the cop who was accidentally shot in the leg the day Carl Lee murdered the two men. Much to the surprise of everyone, Luny does not blame Carl Lee for the loss of his leg, in fact he admits he would have done the same thing i f Tonya had been his daughter, he then turns to the jury and repeatedly shouts, â€Å"He’s (Carl Lee) a hero- you turn him lose!† the court room uproars in mixed reactions.Show MoreRelatedTime to Kill1283 Words   |  6 PagesWriting Report Similarity one 12 Angry Men and a Time to Kill   Ã‚  Ã‚   The play, 12 Angry Men, and the film, A Time to Kill, have a similar theme. In 12 Angry Men, a Latino is accused of stabbing his father to death, where a guilty verdict would mean a death sentence. In A Time to Kill, a black man took the law into his own hands, killing two alleged rapists and the sentence for this man, if found guilty meant death in a gas chamber. The play and film both involve prejudice against two commonlyRead MoreA Time to Kill and to Kill a Mockingbird1314 Words   |  6 PagesThe movie based on John Grishams A Time to Kill is a Hollywoodized, modern-day version of To Kill a Mockingbird. Both movies employ many of the same themes and plot elements; but the former movie is one-dimensional and predictable while the latter is innovative and purposeful. The movie version of Harper Lees novel To Kill a Mockingbird is considered a classic film, whereas John Grishams adapted novel is merely another example of the money making efforts of Hollywood. Some of the movies moreRead MoreEssay A Time To Kill803 Words   |  4 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In A Time To Kill, by John Grisham, two drunken white men violently raped, beat, and nearly killed a 10-year-old black girl named Tonya Hailey. Her father, in a clouded rage, executed the two rapists with an M-16 on their way out of the courthouse. His vigilante form of justice was not well taken by many in prejudiced Ford County, Mississippi. On the other hand, he had lots of support from the black community and from any white person whom dared to step into his shoesRead MoreTo Kill a Mockingbird and A Time to Kill: Similarities and Differences818 Words   |  4 PagesA Time to Kill and To Kill a Mockingbird both have a number of similarities to be compared and contrasted. Both stories can be compared in their themes about justice and racial prejudice. However, this is where the similarities end. The themes and ideas in both novels are vastly different in shape and scope. In A Time to Kill justice is the main theme and most of the ideas are focused on justice and the gray in between the lines of black and white set by the law, racial prejudice is also touchedRead MoreSimilarities And Similarities Between To Kill A Mockingbird And A Time To Kill702 Words   |  3 Pages Comparison/Contrast of To Kill a Mockingbird and A Time to Kill The films To Kill a Mockingbird and A Time to Kill are easily comparable. From the titles to the actual contents, it is not difficult to understand why one would see them as similar. However, there are as many differences as there are similarities within the movies. I will be discussing and describing both the similarities and differences between the films. To begin, there is one extremely prominent similarity that isRead MoreA Time to Kill: Review and Commentary1952 Words   |  8 PagesA Review and Commentary On:A Time to Kill By John GrishamA Time to Kill written by John Grisham is a book that presents the high racial tensions in Canton Mississippi in the early 1990 s. The book opens with two young men, James Lewis Willard and Billy Ray Cobb, joy riding in their brand new yellow pick up truck decked out with Confederate flags. They speed though black neighborhoods throwing full beer bottles at people and houses, until they come across ten-year-old Tonya Hailey walking home fromRead MoreA Time to Kill - Argumentative Paper965 Words   |  4 PagesArgumentative Paper In the movie A Time to Kill, an adolescent girl named Tonya Hailey is brutally battered, raped, and left for dead in a small southern town by two white supremacist men; Billy Ray Cobb and James Louis Willard. As she is walking home, a car approaches; two gentlemen confront her and start kicking and punching her. Then they rape her. Not just once, but twice. She cries out, looking away, and begging them to stop. As she looks up at the heavens above for guidance, she screams forRead More Comparing the Movies A Time to Kill, by John Grisham and To Kill a Mockingbird1285 Words   |  6 Pages The movie based on John Grishams A Time to Kill is a Hollywoodized, modern-day version of To Kill a Mockingbird. Both movies employ many of the same themes and plot elements; but the former movie is one-dimensional and predictable while the latter is innovative and purposeful. The movie version of Harper Lees novel To Kill a Mockingbird is considered a classic film, whereas John Grisham?s adapted novel is merely another example of the money making efforts of Hollywood. Some of the moviesRead MoreA Time to Kill: the Story of Struggle from Racism1331 Words   |  6 PagesStruggles with Racism A Time to Kill demonstrates how much racism, inequality, and segregation was going on in the early to mid 1960’s. The movie shows how African Americans were divided from white people in every circumstance. Inequality was very common for African Americans, and they were shut off from the rest of the public because of the color of their skin. Racism has always been a major conflict and it still remains with us in our society today. A Time to Kill really unfolds how hard itRead MoreEssay about A Time to Kill Movie Summary1746 Words   |  7 PagesA time to Kill movie summary The movie begins in a small town called Canton, (Mississippi) where it is very obvious there is a separation between blacks and whites. Tonya Hailey is a little ten-year-old black girl, who is on her way home from the grocery store. A truck pulls up with two white men, James Louis â€Å"Pete† Willard and Billy Ray Cobb, who viciously attack and rape this little girl. After attempted murder, this girl survived and made her way home, and the two men were found at a bar

Standard Flowchart Symbols and Their Usage Essay Sample free essay sample

Flow charts are the ideal diagrams for visually stand foring concern procedures. For illustration. if you need to demo the flow of a custom-order procedure through assorted sections within your organisation. you can utilize a flow chart. This paper provides a ocular representation of basic flow chart symbols and their proposed usage in pass oning the construction of a well-developed web site. every bit good as their correlativity in developing online instructional undertakings. A typical flow chart from older Computer Science text edition may hold the undermentioned sorts of symbols: * Start and terminal symbols. represented as lozenges. ellipses or rounded rectangles. normally incorporating the word â€Å"Start† or â€Å"End† . or another phrase signaling the start or terminal of a procedure. such as â€Å"submit enquiry† or â€Å"receive product† . * Arrows. demoing what’s called â€Å"flow of control† in computing machine scientific discip line. An pointer coming from one symbol and stoping at another symbol signifies flow base on ballss to the symbol the pointer points to. * Processing stairss. represented as rectangles. Examples: â€Å"Add 1 to X† ; â€Å"replace identified part† ; â€Å"save changes† or similar. * Input/Output. represented as a parallelogram. Examples: Get Ten from the user ; show X. * Conditional ( or determination ) . represented as a diamond ( diamond ) . These typically contain a Yes/No inquiry or True/False trial. This symbol is alone in that it has two pointers coming out of it. normally from the bottom point and right point. one matching to Yes or True. and one corresponding to No or False. The pointers should ever be labeled. More than two pointers can be used. but this is usually a clear index that a complex determination is being taken. in which instance it may necessitate to be bedraggled farther. or replaced with the â€Å"pre-defined process† symbol. * A figure of other symbols that have less cosmopolitan currency. such as: * A Document represented as a rectangle with a wavy base ; * A Manual input represented by a rectangle. with the top irregularly inclining up from left to compensate. An illustration would be to mean data-entry from a signifier ; * A Manual operation represented by a trapezoid with the longest parallel side upmost. to stand for an operation or accommodation to treat that can merely be made manually. * A Data File represented by a cylinder Flow charts may incorporate other symbols. such as connections. normally represented as circles. to stand for meeting waies in the flow chart. Circles will hold more than one pointer coming into them but merely one traveling out. Some flow charts may merely hold an arrow point to another pointer alternatively. These are utile to stand for an iterative procedure ( in Computer Science this is called a cringle ) . A cringle may. for illustration. consist of a connection where control first enters. treating stairss. a conditional with one pointer go outing the cringle. and one traveling back to the connection. Off-page connections are frequently used to mean a connexion to a ( portion of a ) procedure held on another sheet or screen. A flow chart is described as â€Å"cross-functional† when the page is divided into different â€Å"lanes† depicting the control of different organisational chart units. A symbol looking in a peculiar â€Å"lane† is within the control of that organisational unit. This technique allows the analyst to turn up the duty for executing an action or doing a determination right. leting the relationship between different organisational units with duty over a individual procedure. Standard Flowchart Symbols Flow charts use particular forms to stand for different types of actions or stairss in a procedure. Lines and arrows show the sequence of these stairss. and the relationships between them. Workflow formsWorkflow relationships are where work is done by different sections in a fixed sequence. This means that one section needs to complete its occupation before work can go on in another section. The development and care of these work flow relationships is really of import for directors because they are dependent on the predating countries for his or her ain work. and responsible to directors and workers at different phases further down the concatenation. Audit Flowchart ShapesThe follow forms is similar with the basic flow chart symbols but are specially used in the audit flow chart. The Flowchart Symbols and Their UseProcedure represents a measure in your procedure. Predefined procedure indicate a set of stairss that combine to make a sub-process that is defined elsewhere. frequently on another page of the same drawing. Decision indicates a point where the result of a determination dictates the following measure. There can be multiple results. but frequently there are merely two – yes and no. Terminal points indicates the starting and stoping points of a procedure. Data Shape Indicates that information is coming into the procedure from outside. or go forthing the procedure. Delay form Represents a waiting period where no activity is done. In Process Mapping. holds are frequently of import as they may ensue in adding to the cost of the merchandise or merely detaining its production. Database form Use this form for a measure that consequences in information being stored. Measure represents a individual measure within a procedure. and normally contains the name of a specific action. Page symbols refer to single web pages. which may or may non incorporate multiple elements. File symbols represent those informations elements that exist independently of navigational belongingss outside of that page. e. g. . audio sounds. film cartridge holders. or a portable papers file ( PDF ) . A determination point indicates a sequence in the procedure at which the terminal user chooses an option. i. e. . a â€Å"yes-no† . or â€Å"true-false† response. and so subdivisions to different parts of the flow chart. Arrows and linking lines diagram the logical patterned advance through the class. capable to the picks made at determination or action points within the procedure. The input/action symbol represents a user response that directs the class flow from that point onwards. i. e. . an on-line trial. or questionnaire signifier. Represents the pick made by the user from reciprocally sole options. e. g. . a pupil taking among different lesson programs. Conditional picker is similar to the conditional subdivision except that the user has the option to take from a figure of waies that will carry through the requested conditions. e. g. . the consequences of a hunt engine petition. Pages that portion one or more common facets. and are functionally indistinguishable may be simplified as a rounded corner rectangle. such as an online trial or feedback signifier. Notes provide helpful remarks or accounts. e. g. denoting the location where an undeveloped new page/process will suit into the navigational flow construction. or notes for specific squad members for farther development. Flow mentions and flow countries are symbols for reclaimable sequences. such as logging in with a specific user Idaho and watchword to come in the class or to originate an online quiz. The flow mention symbol acts as a proxy for the flow country sequence in the chart in every state of affairs in which it is repeated. Flow country is used as a flow country. it paperss subdivisions that portion similar components/repeated stairss within that flow. and requires the usage of the undermentioned two symbols: entry and issue points. Exit point concludes the subprogram. such as when the proper user Idaho and watchword are verified. and paperss where the user re-enters the maestro flow chart. Entry point paperss the topographic point within the maestro flow chart where the procedure deviates into a subprogram. Mention is used as a connecting point when the flow chart necessitates utilizing more than one page. or refers to a complicated subprogram that would be impossible to incorporate on the chief flow chart page. On-page mention Indicates that the following or old measure is someplace else on the flow chart. It is peculiarly utile for big flow charts. Off-page mention Use the a set of hyperlinks between two pages of a flow chart or between a sub-process form and a separate flow chart page that shows the stairss in that sub-process. Flowchart Shapes The interior decorators can snap this multi-shape to put to any of the undermentioned forms: Data. Document. Decision. or Process. Any text you type onto the form. or information you add to its Shape Data. remains with the form. Document Represents a measure that consequences in a papers. Process Flowchart Drawing Guide-linesThere is no 1 right manner to develop a flow chart. but the undermentioned guide-lines provide a general construction to follow. whether it’s of the overall class navigational procedure. or at the hand-off stage to the assorted squad members to develop more elaborate intervention. 1. Get down with a simple one-line description or rubric of the procedure being flowcharted. e. g. . â€Å"How to†¦Ã¢â‚¬  2. Using a top-down hierarchy. start with a terminal symbol. calling this trigger event. e. g. . â€Å"User accesses class database†¦Ã¢â‚¬  3. Connect each consecutive action measure in the logical sequence of events. 4. Reference elaborate information through notes or connections. 5. Follow the procedure through to completion. denoted by a labelled terminal terminus symbol. e. g. . â€Å"exit class. † A well-developed functional flow chart created in the design stage can salvage hours of otiose work force clip by guarantin g the construction. sequencing and ramifying determination points in a computing machine based instructional plan. back up the class ends and aims before development. Whether you are the exclusive Godhead have oning many chapeaus. or one of many on the development squad. sharing a common ocular linguistic communication will steer the undertaking through its many loops and development stages throughout the instructional design procedure. Flow chartFrom Wikipedia. the free encyclopaediaThis article is about the diagram type. For the poetical authorship â€Å"Flow Chart† . see John Ashbery. A simple flow chart stand foring a procedure for covering with a non-functioning lamp. A flow chart is a type of diagram that representsan algorithm or procedure. demoing the stairss as boxes of assorted sorts. and their order by linking these with pointers. This diagrammatic representation can give a bit-by-bit solution to a given job. Procedure operations are represented in these boxes. and arrows linking them represent flow of control. Data flows are non typically represented in a flow chart. in contrast with informations flow diagrams ; instead. they are implied by the sequencing of operations. Flow charts are used in analysing. planing. documenting or pull offing a procedure or plan in assorted Fieldss. [ 1 ] Contentss [ hide ] * 1 Overview * 2 History * 3 Flowchart edifice blocks * 3. 1 Examples * 3. 2 Symbols * 3. 3 Data-flow extensions * 4 Types of flow chart * 5 Software * 6 See besides * 7 Notes * 8 Further reading * 9 External links| OverviewFlow charts are used in planing and documenting complex procedures or plans. Like other types of diagram. they help visualise what is traveling on and thereby assist the spectator to understand a procedure. and possibly besides find flaws. constrictions. and other less-obvious characteristics within it. There are many different types of flow charts. and each type has its ain repertory of boxes and notational conventions. The two most common types of boxes in a flow chart are: * a processing measure. normally called activity. and denoted as a rectangular box * a determination. normally denoted as a diamond. A flow chart is described as â€Å"cross-functional† when the page is divided into different swimlanes depicting the control of different organisational units. A symbol looking in a peculiar â€Å"lane† is within the control of that organisational unit. This technique allows the writer to turn up the duty for executing an action or doing a determination right. demoing the duty of each organisational unit for different parts of a individual procedure. Flow charts depict certain facets of procedures and they are normally complemented by other types of diagram. For case. Kaoru Ishikawa defined the flow chart as one of the seven basic tools of quality control. following to the histogram. Pareto chart. look into sheet. command chart. cause-and-effect diagram. and the spread diagram. Similarly. in UML. a standard concept-modeling notation used in package development. the activity diagram. which is a type of flow chart. is merely one of many different diagram types. Nassi-Shne iderman diagrams are an alternate notation for procedure flow. Common alternate names include: flow chart. procedure flow chart. functional flow chart. procedure map. procedure chart. functional procedure chart. concern procedure theoretical account. procedure theoretical account. procedure flow diagram. work flow diagram. concern flow diagram. [ edit ] HistoryThe first structured method for documenting procedure flow. the â€Å"flow procedure chart† . was introduced by Frank Gilbreth to members of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers ( ASME ) in 1921 in the presentation â€Å"Process Charts—First Steps in Finding the One Best Way† . Gilbreth’s tools rapidly found their manner into industrial technology course of study. In the early 1930s. an industrial applied scientist. Allan H. Mogensen began developing concern people in the usage of some of the tools of industrial technology at his Work Simplification Conferences in Lake Placid. New York. A 1944 alumnus of Mogensen’s category. Art Spinanger. took the tools back to Procter and Gamble where he developed their Deliberate Methods Change Program. Another 1944 alumnus. Ben S. Graham. Director of Formcraft Engineering at Standard Register Industrial. adapted the flow procedure chart to information processing with his development of th e multi-flow procedure chart to expose multiple paperss and their relationships. [ 2 ] In 1947. ASME adopted a symbol set derived from Gilbreth’s original work as the ASME Standard for Process Charts. Douglas Hartree explains that Herman Goldstine and John von Neumann developed the flow chart ( originally. diagram ) to be after computing machine plans. [ 3 ] His modern-day history is endorsed by IBM applied scientists [ 4 ] and by Goldstine’s personal remembrances. [ 5 ] The original scheduling flow charts of Goldstine and von Neumann can be seen in their unpublished study. â€Å"Planning and coding of jobs for an electronic computer science instrument. Part II. Volume 1† ( 1947 ) . which is reproduced in von Neumann’s collected plants. [ 6 ] Flow charts used to be a popular agencies for depicting computing machine algorithms and are still used for this intent. [ 7 ] Modern techniques such as UML activity diagrams can be considered to be extensions of the flow chart. In the 1970s the popularity of flow charts as an ain method decreased when synergistic computing machine terminuss and third-generation scheduling linguistic communications became the common tools of the trade. since algorithms can be expressed much more briefly as beginning codification in such a linguistic communication. and besides because planing algorithms utilizing flow charts was more likely to ensue in spaghetti codification because of the demand for gotos to depict arbitrary leaps in control flow. Often pseudo-code is used. which uses the common parlances of such linguistic communications without purely adhering to the inside informations of a peculiar one. Flowchart edifice blocksExamples A simple flow chart for calculating factorial N ( N! ) Template for pulling flow charts ( late seventiess ) demoing the different symbols. A flow chart for calculating the factorial of N — written N! and equal to 1 ? 2 ? 3 ? †¦ ? N. [ edit ] SymbolsA typical flow chart from older basic computing machine scientific discipline text edition may hold the undermentioned sorts of symbols: Start and terminal symbolsRepresented as circles. ellipses or rounded rectangles. normally incorporating the word â€Å"Start† or â€Å"End† . or another phrase signaling the start or terminal of a procedure. such as â€Å"submit inquiry† or â€Å"receive product† . Arrows Showing â€Å"flow of control† . An pointer coming from one symbol and stoping at another symbol represents that control passes to the symbol the pointer points to. The line for the pointer can be solid or dashed. The significance of the pointer with dotted line may differ from one flow chart to another and can be defined in the fable. Generic treating stairss Represented as rectangles. Examples: â€Å"Add 1 to X† ; â€Å"replace identified part† ; â€Å"save changes† or similar. SubroutinesRepresented as rectangles with double-struck perpendicular borders ; these are used to demo complex processing stairss which may be detailed in a separate flow chart. Example: process-files. One subprogram may hold multiple distinguishable entry points or issue flows ( see coroutine ) ; if so. these are shown as labelled ‘wells’ in the rectangle. and control pointers connect to these ‘wells’ . Input/Output Represented as a parallelogram. Examples: Get Ten from the user ; show X. Prepare conditionalRepresented as a hexagon. Shows operations which have no consequence other than fixing a value for a subsequent conditional or determination measure ( see below ) . Conditional or determination Represented as a diamond ( diamond ) demoing where a determination is necessary. normally a Yes/No inquiry or True/False trial. The conditional symbol is peculiar in that it has two pointers coming out of it. normally from the bottom point and right point. one matching to Yes or True. and one corresponding to No or False. ( The pointers should ever be labeled. ) More than two pointers can be used. but this is usually a clear index that a complex determination is being taken. in which instance it may necessitate to be bedraggled farther or replaced with the â€Å"pre-defined process† symbol. Junction symbol By and large represented with a black blob. demoing where multiple control flows converge in a individual issue flow. A junction symbol will hold more than one pointer coming into it. but merely one traveling out. In simple instances. one may merely hold an arrow point to another pointer alternatively. These are utile to stand for an iterative procedure ( what in Computer Science is called a cringle ) . A cringle may. for illustration. consist of a connection where control first enters. treating stairss. a conditional with one pointer go outing the cringle. and one traveling back to the connection. For extra lucidity. wherever two lines by chance cross in the drawing. one of them may be drawn with a little hemicycle over the other. demoing that no junction is intended. Labeled connections Represented by an identifying label inside a circle. Labeled connections are used in complex or multi-sheet diagrams to replace for pointers. For each label. the â€Å"outflow† connection must ever be alone. but there may be any figure of â€Å"inflow† connections. In this instance. a junction in control flow is implied. Concurrency symbol Represented by a dual transverse line with any figure of entry and issue pointers. These symbols are used whenever two or more control flows must run at the same time. The issue flows are activated at the same time when all of the entry flows have reached the concurrence symbol. A concurrence symbol with a individual entry flow is a fork ; one with a individual issue flow is a articulation. It is of import to retrieve to maintain these connexions logical in order. All procedures should flux from top to bottom and left to compensate. [ edit ] Data-flow extensions A figure of symbols have been standardized for informations flow diagrams to stand for informations flow. instead than command flow. These symbols may besides be used in control flow charts ( e. g. to replace for the parallelogram symbol ) . * A Document represented as a rectangle with a wavy base ; * A Manual input represented by four-sided. with the top irregularly inclining up from left to compensate. An illustration would be to mean data-entry from a signifier ; * A Manual operation represented by a trapezoid with the longest parallel side at the top. to stand for an operation or accommodation to treat that can merely be made manually. * A Data File represented by a cylinder. Types of flow chartSterneckert ( 2003 ) suggested that flow charts can be modeled from the position of different user groups ( such as directors. system analysts and clerks ) and that there are four general types: [ 8 ] * Document flow charts. demoing controls over a document-flow through a system * Data flow charts. demoing controls over a data-flow in a system * System flowcharts demoing controls at a physical or resource degree * Program flow chart. demoing the controls in a plan within a system Notice that every type of flowchart focal points on some sort of control. instead than on the peculiar flow itself. [ 8 ] Driving to make a specific end can be modeled utilizing a flow chart. However there are several of these categorizations. For illustration Andrew Veronis ( 1978 ) named three basic types of flow charts: the system flow chart. thegeneral flow chart. and the elaborate flow chart. [ 9 ] That same twelvemonth Marilyn Bohl ( 1978 ) stated â€Å"in pattern. two sorts of flow charts are used in solution planning: system flow charts and plan flowcharts†¦Ã¢â‚¬  . [ 10 ] More late Mark A. Fryman ( 2001 ) stated that there are more differences: â€Å"Decision flow charts. logic flow charts. systems flow charts. merchandise flow charts. and procedure flow charts are merely a few of the different types of flow charts that are used in concern and government† . [ 11 ] In add-on. many diagram techniques exist that are similar to flow charts but carry a different name. such as UML activity diagrams. SoftwareAny pulling plan can be used to make flowchart diagrams. but these will hold no underlying informations theoretical account to portion informations with databases or other plans such as project direction systems or spreadsheets. Some tools offer particular support for flow chart pulling. Many package bundles exist that can make flow charts automatically. either straight from beginning codification. or from a flowchart description linguistic communication. On-line Web-based versions of such plans are available.